Thursday, January 10, 2008

Catskiing on the Hurley Pass

The other weekend, I was fortunate enough to be invited on a 2-night catskiing trip with Backcountry Snowcats on the Hurley Pass. The Hurley Pass is just north of the Pemberton Meadows and is only accessible by 4x4 in the summer and via snowmobile in the winter. It was my first time catskiing, and I highly suggest it for those looking for fresh powder turns. We almost had too much snow (if that's even possible...)! Unfortunately, avalanche activity was considerable, so we stuck to the trees. But no complaints - we experienced an entire weekend of deep, blissful powder and untracked turns. One especially cool spot was 'the Badlands', a burned down forest, where we skied amongst black tree skeletons.

Be sure to check out our video too:

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