Time flies when you're having fun... I guess that explains where the summer went (and why I haven't updated my blog in ages)!
East Indian festival in Squamish - celebrating Guru Arjun De Ji with loads of free, tasty food.
Quest summer students enjoying dinner on the residence balcony.
Nothing beats a summer weekend at Savary Island, BC!Savary is also known as "BC's Hawaii"
at the top of the Chief
kite boarding at the Spit in Squamish
Mountain biking in Squamish (kiting and biking photos courtesy of Sabrina Horak - thanks Sabrina!)
Squamish was also just featured in the New York Times last week: http://frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/06/near-whistler-a-place-to-play-for-less/?ref=travel. Uh oh - the secret's out!